SGSY: The research was conducted to find out the operational gaps in the various stages of implementation of the Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana – popularly called SGSY – an ambitious program by the Government of India, to uplift the poor people by providing them with sustainable income generation enterprise through credit and subsidy assistance. The scheme envisaged bringing the BPL people above poverty line within five years. Chalana and Chaitanya (supported by BAIF and IDRC under Swayamsiddha project), conducted the study in seven districts of Maharashtra.
Credit Analysis: There is a need to understand the utilization of loan in order to guide the micro-credit operations in the macro-economic perspective. Little discussion or serious research has been conducted on end uses of credit taken for agriculture. Hence, the focus of the research has been on how it has had an impact on agricultural practices as well as on women’s lives. The research has provided an interesting insight into the impact of credit obtained for agricultural activity.
Eco health Research: Various studies on nutritional status of women in rural areas have shown that there exists considerable under-nourishment because of chronic food deficiency. While working with SHGs of rural women, need for food security has constantly emerged in all interactions. It was thought prudent to study the effects of chronic food deficiency on the health of women understand the relationship between food availability and food intake and explore the intra-household distribution of food.
Training Material
A guide in Hindi Bahana Bachat Ka, Badlaw Bahno Ka gives information to the organizations and individuals wanting to work in the field of Self help group about how the development process could be initiated with these self help groups.
A bag containing record books, especially designed to simplify the process of record keeping for the SHG members, Self Help Group Kit contains record books that would last for five years.
Tantra Baithakiche clarifies the concept of getting together through self help groups to newly formed groups as well as the existing groups in Marathi.
A guide about how group rules and regulations should be formed Niyam Gatache also informs about maintaining them for continuity of the group.
How, why, what and when of self help group formation - is dealt with in Vasa Vikasachaa through the medium of stories. An excellent guide dealing with various aspects of Self Help groups right from the formation to maintaining it and tackling the problems faced by the groups in Marathi.
Pictorial Monitoring Charts and booklet gives indicators of quality self help groups for self-assessment along with a reference guide for the usage of monthly and annual monitoring chart.
A book in Marathi Bachatnama highlights the inter linkages of SHGs, Livelihood and gender.
A compilation of motivational songs for SHG meetings Prerna Geet, which is used by SHG members as well as animators.
A Step by Step Manual on Cluster Formation and its Processes is currently in the process of publication. This is a comprehensive manual touching upon every aspect of cluster concept, its formation, its stability and sustainability. It will be very useful to those who want to promote network of SHGs.
Documentation on SHG resource kit is also in the process of finalization. It enlists best practices of SHGs and will be very useful for those involved in SHG formation.
Navi Pahat A touching and inspiring film regarding starting self help groups , the problems that crop up in the process and how they are dealt with. All this through an example of determined member women of a self help group in Gujarat
Swayamsiddha Amhi and Navya Disha are two films produced in-house elaborating concept of federation and clusters.
Adhar a film in Marathi highlights the importance of health insurance for the SHG members.
Bhoplyachi vel is a Marathi film, which deals with the importance of kitchen garden for healthy nutritious diet.
Explaining the importance of water management through the story of frogs in a pond Ek Talavachi Goshtha is a Marathi documentary, which is both funny as well as educating.
Amhi Bi Ghadalo – An audio cassette in the voices of members themselves highlighting the integration of health income generation and legal issues with self help groups (a joint production by the Pune district network in which Chaitanya participated.) |